Building the Skills of Students of All Ages
Executive Function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully.
Childhood learning is dependent on far more than IQ alone. Executive functioning has proven to be one of the most important contributors to, and predictors of, student success. Executive functioning isn’t always innate, but it can be learned and strengthened. Unlock Your Potential works with children on these capabilities and, by doing so, can make an immensely positive impact on a student’s success well into adulthood.
Executive Functioning Skills Depend on 3 Types of Brain Function
Holding and manipulating information in the brain
Filtering thoughts to lessen distractions and reduce impulsivity
Embracing necessary shifts in focus to meet ever-changing demands
The 12 Executive Functioning skills we will focus with your child on are:
Working Memory
Emotion Control
Task Initiation
Time Management
Defining & achieving goals
Stress Tolerance
Creating a healthy environment in which these skills are able to grow helps limit negative effects of non-academic obstacles to education. Our executive function tutoring utilizes exercises like visualization, various games, active reading, or have your child teach a lesson they learned in school to help them to build this skill. Tutoring students in executive functioning abilities can lead to significant motivation and self-confidence development in students and can contribute greatly to academic success.